March 2014

Charity Valentine is the eternal optimist. While working at the seedy Fan-Dango Ballroom, she is often exploited by men, and has been strung along in a series of bad relationships. Nonetheless, she always holds out hope -- and she seems to have finally met a decent fellow in Oscar. Concerned that he will reject her if he discovers her true profession, Charity lies to Oscar and tells him that she works in a bank. Soon, Oscar asks Charity to marry him. Unfortunately, when Oscar discovers Charity's real profession, he backs out of the marriage. Based on Federico Fellini's screenplay for Nights of CabiriaSweet Charity follows Charity's romantic ups and downs as she remains ever-hopeful that, despite her work as a prostitute and dancer-for-hire, she will ultimately find love.

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The Theatre Guild of Hampden Presents Sweet Charity


Nickie........................................................Aileen Terzi
Vittorio......................................................Arnaldo Rivera
Daddy Brubeck..........................................Brad Shepard
Helene........................................................Chae-Vonne Munroe
Ursula.........................................................Christine Arruda
Charity Hope Valentine.............................Diane Fauteux
Oscar..........................................................Heath Verrill

Charlie, Doorman & Daddy Assistant.......John Flynn
Herman......................................................Mark Gagnon
Miss Madam Tina Tiny..............................Tracey Hebert
The Fan Dango Girls: Amanda Lamontagne, Cynthia Rubin,

Jennifer Jyringi, Michelle Lussier, Monica Gagnon

Chorus: Cassie Cloutier, Darlene Cloutier, David Basile, Gail Weber,

Jeanne Wysocki, Jim Gagnon, Mindy Meeker, Stephanie Kvam

The Theatre Guild of Hampden Presents Sweet Charity