Oscar Jaffee.................................................David Leslie
Lily Garland.................................................Ally Reardon
Bruce Granit................................................Gavin Mackie
Oliver Webb.................................................Kevin Wherry
Owen O'Malley............................................Brad Shepard
Latitia Peabody Primrose...........................Kathy Renaud 
Max Jacobs.................................................David Basile
Dr. Johnson................................................Devon Bakum
Agnes, the maid..........................................Gail Weber
Imdela Thompson.......................................Devon Bakum
Grover Lockwood........................................Bo Reardon
Emily, Lockwood's little secretary..............Deb Reardon
PORTERS: Jared Buteau, Jon Todd, Ian Weber, Ted Welsh
ENSEMBLE: Dina del Buono, Darlene Cloutier, Michaela Guthrie, Kate Laplatney, Joe Lessard, Maggie Watracz, Allison Weber, Emily Weber, Jeanne Wysocki

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The Theatre Guild of Hampden Presents On the Twentieth Century

Now-struggling Broadway impresario producer Oscar Jaffe sees the next big star in young Lily Garland, a view not shared by others. He ends up coaxing out of the naive young woman a great Broadway actress. Oscar mentors her to one Broadway success after another, to a point where Garland is as big a Broadway name as he is, with the same difficult temperament to boot. She ultimately sees their professional and personal relationship as being Svengali-like, to which she rebels and runs off to movie stardom in Hollywood. Without Garland, Jaffe’s career declines. By happenstance however, both Jaffe and Garland end up on the same Twentieth Century train back to New York. Jaffe takes this opportunity to try and lure his protégée back under his wing on Broadway, but Garland has other thoughts on her mind, basically anything but Jaffe. However, Jaffe figures a good part and a few acting chops of his own might be able to persuade Garland that she should return to her life with Jaffe. A lunatic let loose on board the Twentieth Century adds a few complications to the proceedings.

On the Twentieth Century

March 2016

The Theatre Guild of Hampden Presents On the Twentieth Century